To Kill A Mockingbird - Harper Lee | Chapter 11 of To Kill A Mockingbird provides an insight into where Jem and Scout are in their development as young adults. Discuss.

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Chapter 11 of To Kill a Mocking Bird is one of the most interesting of the book. We learn a great deal about where Jem and Scout are in their development. We are also are formally introduced to Mrs Dubose, although several references have been made to her during the first ten chapters. A number of the themes in To Kill a Mocking Bird are highlighted in this chapter. The main thing we draw from this …

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…truth. Chapter 11 is a smaller version of the whole story. Jem and Scout prejudge Mrs Dubose and after she dies they discover that she was not the sort of person they thought she was. This is the same as the rest of the novel, where the whites are racially intolerant to the Negroes. But chapter 11 is also Jem and Scout's coming of age as they learn two important lessons: not to pre-judge and also tolerance.